Import Projects from Vercel

Import Projects from Vercel

If you’re using Vercel for Compass the first time, please consider reading the Get Started article first.

  1. Open the main page to import Vercel projects in the top navigation bar:

    Screenshot 2024-08-13 at 15.43.24.png


  2. The page loads and shows you a list of projects that you have access to with your configured API token. You can pick one or all projects to import:

    Screenshot 2024-08-13 at 14.53.43.png

  3. For each project to import, you can select which Compass component type it should get. (Soon you can also select the team that owns this project) Then click “Import”:


  4. If everything succeeds, you have imported your first project from Vercel into Atlassian Compass. Congrats 🎉 You can click on the link in the success message and open the component.


Do you want to connect an existing Compass component with a Vercel project? Read more about it here.